1.What is acupuncture?
Acupuncture is the technique that treats diseases by inserting needles into specific point on human body. This may be done with or without the addition of gentle manipulation, heat, or
electricity to further stimulate the points.
Acupuncture is a system of healthcare aimed at naturally promoting health and alleviating sickness through the stimulation of very specific anatomical points, known as acupuncture
points, throughout the body. These points generally lie along meridians, or energy channels, that run through the body. It is believed that pain and sickness occur when these channels become blocked,
and that these blockages can be removed through the stimulation of acupuncture points.
Acupuncture is a time tested therapy that was first developed in China thousands of years ago and is still very much a mainstream method of healthcare there and in many other parts of
the world today. It is one of the most proven and well-known forms of alternative therapies, and many studies have been conducted demonstrating the safety and efficacy of acupuncture.
2.How does acupuncture work?
According to traditional Chinese medicine, acupuncture regulates the blood and Qi through stimulating the acupuncture points. Acupuncture points locate on different meridians, which link
the outside points on the body with the internal organs of the body. Therefore, by stimulating the acupuncture points on the surface of the body this will have a positive effect on the functions of
internal organs as well as the circulation of blood and Qi.
According to the modern study of the literature on acupuncture, there are a number of theories as to how exactly acupuncture works. One theory suggests that stimulating specific parts of
the body’s affected nerves may be able to inhibit their signal transmission. This offers an explanation as to why acupuncture can treat pain. Another theory speculates that acupuncture points are
actually strategic conductors of electromagnetic signals throughout the body. Therefore, by stimulating points along these pathways will in turn influence neurotransmitter rates and reset the
polarity of different parts of the body. Acupuncture is also believed to regulate the neuroendocrine network, which will influence nerve transmission and hormone release. These biochemical changes
may stimulate the body's natural healing abilities and promote physical and emotional well-being.
3. What can acupuncture do?
Generally speaking, acupuncture can regulate blood and Qi, balance yin and yang, which will effectively adjust the excessiveness and deficiency of internal organs. Specifically,
acupuncture can relieve pain, treat numerous diseases including internal, gynecological, dermatological, psychological and many other conditions. For more details, please read the section: conditions
4.Does acupuncture hurt?
Acupuncture in general is not painful for the needles are extremely thin. The normal feeling of acupuncture is tingling, numbness, heaviness and fullness around the needles or sometimes
the feelings radiate along the meridian to other parts of the body. There may be some initial pain but it will subside almost immediately. Many patients experience a feeling of relaxation and renewed
energy during an acupuncture treatment.
5.Does acupuncture have side effects?
This is one of the hallmarks of acupuncture. Generally there are no side effects, but this is only true if the procedure is done by a skilled professional with years of training.
6.What can I expect during my acupuncture visit?
During a typical first visit, we will take a detailed health history, fully investigate your chief complaint, perform a physical exam, and determine a differential diagnosis for you.
Based on this, an individualized initial treatment plan is designed and administered. This plan may include acupuncture as well as adjunctive techniques, such as cupping, electric stimulation,
scrapping(guasha), or heat therapy. The first visit may take 90 minutes and the follow up about 60 minutes.
7.How many treatments will I need?
The number of treatments needed varies from person to person and the condition being treated. Three to five treatments may be sufficient to treat an acute condition and a series of 8-15
may be needed to resolve a more chronic condition. It is important to have consistent treatments in order to resolve the problem.
8.What can I expect after a treatment?
Some patients feel better immediately after treatment. Some people feel energetic and a distinct sense of well being. But a small percentage of patients will have an increase or
exacerbation of symptoms after the first treatment, and maybe even the second. This is usually a reaction from your body as what is termed as a “healing crisis”. Do not be discouraged by this!
Acupuncture is not an “immediate fix” for problems, and frequently takes time for your body to heal itself. Some medicines are like a bandaid/temporary cover up that only fixes the immediate problem;
acupuncture gets to the root of the problem to resolve it.
9.Things to know before your visit.
a. Please do not come to your appointment when you are hungry or too full.
b. Don’t scrub your tongue before you come.
c. Do not over-exercise, or consume alcoholic beverages right before or after the treatment. Coffee is also not friend immediately before acupuncture.
d. Please wear loose and comfortable clothes.
e. Bring a list of the supplements and medications you are
f. Most chronic diseases need a series of sessions to see the effects, and
it is important to try to catch up with your specific treatment schedule to get the best results.
10.What is moxibustion?
Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese medicine technique that involves the burning of mugwort, a small, spongy herb, to facilitate healing. Moxibustion has been used throughout Asia for
thousands of years; in fact, the actual Chinese character for acupuncture, translated literally, means "acupuncture- moxibustion." The purpose of moxibustion is to strengthen the blood, stimulate the
flow of qi, and maintain general health.
11.What is cupping therapy?
Cupping therapy is the method of using glass or plastic cups to create localized pressure by a vacuum. The vacuum inside the cups causes the blood to form in the area and help the
healing in that area. Another healing aspect of cupping therapy is through the release of toxins in your body. The suction from the cups can penetrate deep into your tissues causing the tissues to
release harmful toxins. It triggers the lymphatic system, clears the blood vessels, and stretches and activates the skin. Cupping therapy has been found in ancient records dating back 3500 years and
it is still used today by many alternative medicine practitioners.